• Kevin Vandi
    Google Verified
  • Competitive Edge Physical Therapy
    Kevin Vandi
    Physical Therapist
Connections (1)
  • Andy Pflaum recommended Competitive Edge Physical Therapy
    For athletes of any experiencing needing PT -- and particularly for stride/gait analysis -- I recommend Kevin Vandi at Competitive EDGE PT in San Jose, http://www.compedgept.com/running-analysis.html As part of a ~1 hour gait analysis session he'll show you views of your stride & mechanics via video & software, and make recommendations. He works with a lot of runners, from joggers to ultramarathoners (as well as cyclists, and he's also a PT for the SJ Earthquakes soccer team). I've found him great at listening providing relevant exercises. read more

  • Kevin Vandi created a new Physical Therapist profile