Rose Cart Sunnyvale Florist


Flower arrangements, Gift Baskets, Plants & Centerpieces for any occasion! Whether it's delivery or pick-up, we do it all with stellar service and precise quality. Read more

5 recommendations


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    I had ordered a floral arrangement from Rose cart for my cousin's birthday. They do flower arrangements in cute forms like in a shape of a puppy. The most important thing to recommend about this company is that they go above and beyond their good services. I would use them for floral service again. I highly recommend them if you live in the Sunnyvale California to use them for floral services.

    Sangha I.

    Shared on

    Rose Cart is my go-to place for picking up flowers for special occasions. The store owner and the employees are extremely nice and polite. Rose Cart's flower quality is excellent, and they always do a great job with flower arrangements. I highly recommend this place.

    Original recommendation
    Tiffani Y.

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    I love their creativity with my arrangement. Flower arrangements are lovely and it's rare I see one I don't love but it's also rare for me to be blown away by an arrangement as well. Until today, when Rose Cart delivered an arrangement sent to me by sweet cousin...

    Original recommendation
    Jaci Y.

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    It was an early Monday morning as I searched high and low to send my cousin who works in Sunnyvale California something for her birthday. I was reading reviews, browsing at different websites and looking at flower arrangements...

    Original recommendation
    Lori Robitaille Biasca

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    I received a beautiful arrangement from a friend and was so impressed with the display I kept the tag/card so I could brighten someone's day in the future. My delivery just happened and I received a wonderful thank you from the recipient! On time, no issues, perfect!!!

    Original recommendation