• Owen Ray
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  • Owen Ray recommended Bici Sport
    If you need work done on your bike and don't want to be totally in the dark about what was done, check out Bici Sport. I do most of my own work, but I can't really mess with wheels since I don't have a truing stand or the know-how. I took my new gravel bike to them (after, admittedly, putting 1,000 miles on the first wheelset, destroying the rear wheel, replacing them with new wheels and putting 500 miles on the new ones) to give my new wheels their first true-up. When I got it back, the mechanic was super excited to tell me about everything he did. How the spokes came in with zero tension (whoopsie) and exactly how and to what level of tension he set them up and why he did it that way. Always awesome to have some knowledge dropped on you when picking up your bike!

    Service at Bici is very friendly and fast. They have a good selection of bikes and gear, too. Definitely recommend them over the "big shop" in town. read more

  • Owen Ray recommended Bicycle Brüstop
    The concept: Bike shop with beer. What more do you want?

    Why it matters: I am pretty sure that Bicycle Brustop is the hippest business in Downtown Novato. OK, I know that's not very hard, but it's the toes of the foot that needs to kick downtown in the butt and make it more useful and appealing to people under 300 years old. Maybe someday we can replace 20 of the 200 salons on Grant with a couple decent restaurants or a nice cocktail bar or two. I know this is just as likely as finding a unicorn that farts whiskey, but a man can dream. Either way, we need the Brustop and more stuff like it.

    The execution: Freaking dialed. Let's start with the bike shop component. There is none of the snotty bike-hipster LBS attitude that we have all become accustomed to. Caroline and Arron (the owners, hopefully these are actually their names) are like, friendly and stuff. I know, it's NUTS! I just kept thinking, "am I even in a bike shop? How come I am being helped instead of being simultaneously ignored and judged?" The selection of bikes and parts are decent, and they are mountain bikers, so us dirt junkies have friends here, too! Prices are downright reasonable.

    But, what about the beer?: Don't like the prices, have a beer! Had a long ride and got 20 pinch flats? Have a beer! Broke your clavicle? Have a beer! (then go to the hospital.) Can't decide which tires to get? Have a beer! The friendly folks that staff the Brustop are also super friendly behind the "bar" in the back of the shop. If I recall correctly, they have four beers on tap from local faves like Moylan's and Anchor. There's other beer too, but I had like four of them after a 30 mile ride, so I don't really remember every single thing.

    If you have (understandably) given up on Downtown Novato, get back on out there and give the Brustop a try, even if you don't ride. read more