Fresh & Clean Cleanings

House Cleaner

We partner with local businesses because we understand how to help make their jobs easier while providing exceptional service to their clients. We give them the peace of mind by cleaning up the mess that is left behind. Our partners are automatically enrolled in our Loyalty Program as an incentive as well as receiving a discount on our services. Below is a list of the business professionals we provide discounts too.

Are there more important things you have to do besides running around cleaning up the house? Maybe you aren't feeling so good lately and you just need a hand with the chores around the house? What about your business that needs a hand cleaning up around the place so your employees can work on more important duties at work besides cleaning? Well, at Fresh & Clean Cleanings, we understand how life can make it difficult to get some things done around the house or office. So no need to worry, help is on the way. Read more

2 recommendations

    Karen L

    Shared on

    I had an amazing experience with this company. They were very friendly, very accommodating to my schedule and extremely thorough! I also like the fact that when they were done my house smelled fresh and clean with the air freshener they sprayed at the end instead of strong chemicals like cleaning products. I will definitely be booking with them again. I highly recommend them! Great job ladies!!!!

    Original recommendation
    Nay N

    Shared on

    Excellent service! Never thought I could get that stain removed, thanks. They were prompt and very polite. Plus, they left my house smelling just as good as it looked cleaned.

    Original recommendation