
On-Demand Massage Therapists


60-Minute Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy massage, also known as "prenatal massage," can alleviate many of the aches and pains that women experience as a result of pregnancy. During your pregnancy massage, your Zeel licensed massage therapist will use a combination of techniques to relieve pelvic and back pain, and reduce swelling.

Price includes tax and 18% gratuity.
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60 minutes
As soon as May 05, 2024

What does it include?

A Zeel therapist, specially trained in prenatal massage therapy, will arrive at your location to deliver your massage - fully equipped with a massage table, music, and supplies for the best massage.

Your body will be supported either by a special table or by pillows. Typically, the massage will be performed while the woman is on her side, which aids in comfort. A combination of techniques are used, which aim at relieving pelvic and back pain, and reducing swelling.

All Zeel massages include sales tax and 18% gratuity, so there's no need to have extra cash on hand.

Why is it important?

Pregnancy often means muscle cramps, back pain, and swollen limbs for the mom-to-be. It can also cause specific medical conditions, including:

  • Hormonal shifts
  • Fluid retention
  • Nerve pain
  • Muscle strain
  • Stress

The Zeel prenatal massage addresses all these conditions. It can lessen muscle spasms, alleviate leg aches and pains, reduce stress, and increase circulation. 

Additional notes

Be sure to let the massage therapist know if you have a history of early contractions.

Some massage therapists will require that you have a signed doctor's note before starting massage therapy, especially if you are carrying multiple babies. We recommend contacting your doctor before your appointment.

Service location

At your address