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needs your help finding:

Dentist for implant

Near Menlo Park, CA

Looking for an in-network dentist for an implant. I have Aetna with Stanford Healthcare with Delta Dental PPO

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    Javier de la Rosa
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    Thanks! Will do.
    Aaron Lee
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    Javier, best luck with your implant with Dr. Pechak and please say hi to him for me. Thx!
    Javier de la Rosa
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    Great! Thanks, Aron. Dr. Pechak seems to be in-network for my plan :)
    Aaron Lee
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    Hi Javier, I have two recommendations, it depends on your situation and the insurance coverage. The first one is Dr. Pechak: and he's great at implant and perio and they are at Sunnyvale. The other one is Dr. Hansen - they are great as well and near by (Palo Alto). But I like the German precision better :)