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needs your help finding:


Near SF, CA

We have a multi-unit building and we want to monitor usage per unit online.

I've found this one online: Please checkout this device and let me know if you've worked on it before.

Our main goal is to see usage per apartment online.

I am going to be available starting Monday afternoon until Friday to choose the right pro so please reach out to me sooner than later.


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    Aaron Lee
    Facebook Google LinkedIn Verified
    Gerçek, Yaron recommended one but I think it's for bigger projects so probably not a good fit but doesn't hurt to ask
    Gercek Karakus
    Google Verified
    Thanks @Aaron! I left them a message.
    Aaron Lee
    Facebook Google LinkedIn Verified
    Hey Gerçek, a friend of mine said is his go to and they do amazing work (incl. electrical) so you may want to give them a call.

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