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needs your help finding:

Startup Advisor

Near New York, NY

Pre-startup phase (prototyping) venture seeks trusted advisors with knowledge of and expertise in the following fields: FMCG; large-volume affiliate marketing; e-commerce law; consumer reporting; technology know-how, patents, and intellectual property; distributed and service-oriented architecture; data-driven systems; data warehousing and analytics; game design.

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    Ermolay Romanov
    Facebook Google LinkedIn Verified
    Sure! First of all, any of those is an individual. I would be delighted if, but don't expect anyone to be of help at a number of those at once. This is a product targeted at individuals and households in low-to-median income brackets. It alleviates some of the daily financial and organizational pain points by educating and enabling new behaviors. Bizdev is crucial here because advertisers and some existing ad platforms are a key resource not just for solvency, but for enabling the UX. I wonder if this is vague enough for the future legal counsel.
    Aaron Lee
    Facebook Google LinkedIn Verified
    That's a lot of fields to cover! can you be a bit more specific in terms of the area/domain and your idea?