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needs your help finding:

Night Nurse

Near SF, CA

Helping my baby sleep. My wife and I live in Bernal Heights in San Francisco, CA.

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    Responding to a request for a night nurse — Stork & Sprout offers education and consultation at all stages of early newborn life — they worked with us up and through childbirth and the following few weeks and trained us on keeping things sane. They are likely able to help, or at least refer someone who can. But I'd suggest them as a first step and say that Justin and Cynthia Maxwell recommended them. Beyond that, I have to say that what ended up finally working for us was my being prison guard at 5 months, giving Cynthia earplugs, and going full on cry-it-out. It was three nights of torture followed by what has now been nearly 2 and a half years of great sleep for all of us (with occasional hiccups due to growing pains, teething, illness, and lately, monsters) Read more

    good communicator easygoing personable good with kids punctual organized
    Austin Vedder
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    Sleep training
    Justin Maxwell
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    @Austin like for sleep training or to give you some peace and quiet and have someone do the feeding?