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needs your help finding:

Orthopedic Doctor

Near Los Altos, CA

Injured my right knee while I was skiing and the joint is swollen. I can walk (limping) but can't bend my knee. Any recommendations for someone near Mountain View / Palo Alto / Los Altos?

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    49ers team doctor, consider the best in the SF Bay Area. Everyone I know that needed surgery, particularly shoulder, went to him and was very happy with results. He is cautious, puts off surgery if possible, focuses on rehab instead. Read more

    detail-oriented personable organized domain expert above and beyond easygoing punctual good communicator
    Justin Maxwell
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    Ah thanks Kris, good to know — I had a suspicion Lehnert didn't do anything above ankles but wasn't sure.
    Aaron Lee
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    Thanks Justin and Kris, I probably will get a diagnostic and scan to see how bad it is. Appreciate the recos!

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    Did my most recent knee surgery after another surgeon (Kenneth Goransen, MD) screwed it up. Dr. Dillingham is one of the doctors most recommended by Pacific TherX.

    FYI, Bruce Lehnert is not an orthopedic doctor, he is a podiatrist. An excellent one, highly recommended, but he does not do knees.

    Also, they do take Anthem PPO. Read more

    detail-oriented personable above and beyond punctual good communicator

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    Dr. Lehnert is both an outstanding orthopedic doctor and a top-notch human being. On a doctor level, he's friendly, upbeat, personable, and knowledgeable. On a human being level, he runs the International Extremity Project, a medical mission which provides free surgical correction for severe lower-extremity deformities to the underserved. I'm pretty sure he's a good person to start with — If not I am sure he can refer you to someone else he trusts. Read more

    detail-oriented personable organized dependable easygoing punctual good communicator
    Aaron Lee
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    No, I don't. I have Anthem PPO, I guess that would be out of my network. Thx Mark!

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    Do you have Kaiser? Margaret Cheng is amazing. She'd be my first choice for knee issues. Read more

    detail-oriented dependable easygoing good communicator