Allen Coppock

Vintage Synthesizer Restoration


Slider Panel Board Rebuild

Rebuilding and refurbishing the Roland Juno-106 slider panel board
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1 day
As soon as Jun 20, 2024

What does it include?

  • Rebuilding all sliders on the Roland Juno-106 slider panel board
  • Replacing missing sliders or buttons

Why is it important?

Do you have little dots showing up all of the time after the 2 digits on your LED display? Your sliders are sending false signals to the CPU and the Juno thinks it's being edited because your sliders have 25 years of gunk in them. This service rebuilds your sliders from the inside out. They will function as if brand new.

Do you have missing sliders, missing prongs, or buttons that you have to press too hard? This service will take care of those issues too!

Additional notes

If you have missing sliders where the slider is broken or completely gone, add $30 USD each.

How do we do this? After you complete payment PayPal shows us your shipping information. 

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