Raise the bar


2 recommendations


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    I joined Raise the Bar initially feeling leery about CrossFit, but wanted to build strength to help with my running and jumped in with some reservation. What I got was a gym that encouraged form and safety over quantity and quickly shot down my preconceptions of CrossFit. The coaches work well with many levels of ability; there are times when I'm instructed to lower weight because my form is lacking and other times when I'm pushed beyond what I thought was capable because they know I'm holding back or not truly pushing myself. The environment and social aspect of Raise the Bar is what keeps me coming back day after day; the members are all incredibly supportive, and I've made some lifelong friends in the process of getting buff.


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    The owners and coaches all give you their individualized attention and you feel encouraged to keep coming and work hard.

    Updated on Jan. 9, 2018

    Lucky is attentative to every athlete. He will stay after hours to show an athlete how to do a workout or movement. Lucky help and pays attention to the slowest athlete to the fastest athlete.