Heavy Petting Pet Services

Dog Walker

1 recommendation


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    Full transparency... Lee Ann is my half-sister (but my whole heart loves her!).

    Whoever calls on Lee Ann for doggie day care (daily play groups &/or boarding) appreciates & enjoys (both the humans & the canines) her deep knowledge, experience and love for the animals in her care.

    This is a full-on business/career for her and I know she is very serious about her doggies' comfort & safety. How she cares for them, transports them & and exercises them... everything she does is very thoughtful and as fulfilling as possible for the creatures in her care.

    She is also very capable in emergency situations or when medication or veterinary visits are part of the care. And she has some very long-term clients who have used her for over many, many years.

    Pictures attached

    That is the best name for a pet service in the history of pet services