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    About Us 1 раз
    Since 1995 The Essay4Students Experts have helped countless number of students with their papers. From humble beginnings, our service was started as a tutoring service that would visit students at their homes or schools and assist them with their research and writing. By 1999 The Essay4Students Experts took their business to the next level by starting a online writing division where we get to help a greater number of students around the world and thereby making a difference in students lives by helping students that are stuck for a variety of reasons. Whether it is because you have to maintain two part-time jobs to afford your tuition, a single-parent that can't take too much time out after class to do time extensive research to take care of his/her children, or a mature student that has a full-time job and needs a head start to know where to begin your research. It is not our business to question your privacy. It is our goal to give you our wealth of resources and knowledge at an inexpensive price - that no matter what your economic situation you can afford. We give you a head start by giving you a model paper that will give you an example of how we would answer your particular topic question, what sources we would use, the avenues we took in researching your paper. Our main priority has always been to provide students with properly written, properly cited model term papers that would allow students to write their own papers with our example. Get a head start on your paper by letting us write a "real" term paper so you can use it as a guideline.
    About Our Writers
    All our writers are scholars that have dedicated their lives to their passion: writing & researching. All our writers are extremely gifted at their craft and possess advanced degrees in their field of specialty. Many of our writers are professionals who have or have had jobs at top-notch corporations but their passion pulls them back to writing and research. Many writers enjoy the research and learning themselves as there is always something that one can learn no matter how many times you have written on a particular subject. Our writers are prompt and professional - they understand the constraints of your situation. This is why they are willing to give up their pay if they don't give you your paper on time. You will only find this at The Essay4Students Experts Inc.
    Hours of Operation
    Our service is one of a kind. We are open 24 hours a day - 7 days a week. No matter what time of season you call we make sure there are always enough phone lines for your call to get through.
    Customer Care Center
    All of our customer service representatives are trained by The Essay4Students Experts Inc. How to deal promptly and curteously with students who need help but don't know where to start. Essay4Students makes it easy by filling you in on the process step-by-step, from ordering to your paper delivery. Our representatives are polite and understanding, they understand your constraints and the importance of your time.
    Our Guaranteed Re-Writing Policy
    Essay4Students will include all of your requirements originally ordered with your paper or we will revise it for you. If you find that we haven't addressed an issue in your paper, please send us an email or call within 24 hours of receiving your paper, this will assure that your paper topic is fresh in the mind of the writer and your revised paper can be promptly returned to you. We will charge a small fee however if you fail to include a desired issue and want us to rewrite the paper to include issues that were not originally ordered with the paper. It is our job to provide you with a great model paper - not to touch it up here and there to make it perfect to put in your name on the first page. We want to help you, not do a disservice to you and your academic career.
    Our Guaranteed Delivery Date
    In the interest of keeping the Internet in a standard method of delivery. The Essay4Students Experts has adopted a 24 hour day as sunrise to sunrise. What does this mean? This means for example if you have Wednesday as your due date then you will receive your paper at the latest by Thursday Pacific Time Sunrise or your paper is free. This very rarely has happened, we like to send our paper early so you don't have to worry. But we stand by our guarantee and are willing to put our wallet where our mouth is.

    You provided me with an excellent assignment within the deadline mentioned with accurate APA references and formatting. I wanted annotated bibliography to be done. Every thing was done well.